This is a list of all my English content away from this blog. If you are looking for a full overview of my work including German content please visit the German version of this page.
Guest contributions on other blogs
Since 2019, I have been writing guest posts for the blog of the Lise-Meitner-Society e.V. The aim of the Lise-Meitner-Gesellschaft is to promote equal opportunities and equality for women* in the natural sciences and mathematics.
- In data we trust – but should we?
- Did anybody ask for some unique and ground-breaking research?
- All we need to do is wait… for 250 years
Science Slam
Science slam-style presentation at the BMBF’s Quantum Future Award 2020 ceremony
Runner Up Prize (2. Platz) at the Quantum Shorts flash fiction competition (organised by the Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore) with the short story “Quantum et Circenses”. Also check out the Backstory interview.
I am a PhD student at the Freie Universität Berlin in the research group “Quantum Dynamics and Control”. For information on the group, click here.
What do Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels have to do with quantum physics? In my lecture for the online lecture series “QuSCo on air” of the QuSCo European Training Network, I explain the quantum Zeno effect. The target audience of the lecture are PhD students in physics.
Talk at the Workshop on Enabling Technology and Algorithms for Quantum Computing, Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, (04/2021). The target audience are experts from quantum technology.
- PhD thesis “Control of Rydberg atoms for quantum technologies”, Free University Berlin, submitted 10/2021, published 04/2022.
- A. Larrouy, S. Patsch, R. Richaud, J.-M. Raimond, M. Brune, C. Koch, S. Gleyzes (2020). Fast Navigation in a Large Hilbert Space Using Quantum Optimal Control. Physical Review X 10, 021058.
- S. Patsch, S. Maniscalco, C. Koch (2020). Quantum simulation of non-Markovianity using the quantum Zeno effect. Physical Review Research 2, 023133.
- S. Patsch, D. Reich, J.-M. Raimond, M. Brune, S. Gleyzes, C. Koch (2018). Fast and accurate circularization of a Rydberg atom. Physical Review A 97, 053418.
- Master’s thesis “Optimal control of Stark manifolds in Rydberg atoms: Creation of a superposition of opposite circular states”, University of Kassel, 2016
- Bachelor’s thesis “Herleitung einer Lindblad-Mastergleichung für die Quanten-Zeno-Dynamik von Photonen in einer Cavity” (Derivation of a Lindblad master equation for the quantum Zeno dynamics of photons in a cavity), University of Kassel, 2014
Selected conference contributions
- Workshop on Enabling Technology and Algorithms for Quantum Computing, Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, (04/2021)
- Gordon Research Conference “Quantum Control of Light and Matter”, Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA (08/2019)
- Symposium “Engineering and Control of Quantum Machines”, Technische Universität Berlin (06/2019)
- Third international workshop on ultracold Rydberg physics, Recife, Brasilien (12/2018)
- PRACQSYS 2018: Principles and Application of Control in Quantum Systems, Paris, Frankreich (06/2018)